We believe on the future


We promote innovative solutions and continuous development in traditional products.

We are FRUYPER, a company that is committed to the future, constantly developing and searching for innovative solutions that we apply to traditionally manufactured products. The success of each of our new proposals lies in close monitoring of the market and in a team highly involved in offering innovative solutions, according to market trends.

The pillars on which our work is based


Our founder Don Antonio Pérez began distributing olives on his motorcycle, with a dream: to become the best olive distributor in the region. Their mink has been our inspiration and the driving force behind our efforts to offer the best olives since 1962.


For the fruits that the earth gives us, for the olive tree….. for the olive. FRUYPER seeks excellence; the best quality and the best flavor, because we are passionate about our work and we take pride in our product.


We are involved in ensuring that the FRUYPER brand is identified as quality and responsibility with the environment. Caring for the planet has an impact on the qualities of the fruits it provides us, which is why we are committed to its conservation in order to continue producing the best preserves.


In harvesting, selection and production. We respect and preserve traditions because we know the benefits they bring. We feel passionately about our olives and pickles, which encourages us to seek perfection.

Do you have any questions?
Write to us and we will answer your concerns.